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Herbs (Cooking and Drinking)

The Kind of Container The best container is ceramic. Glass and non-reactive metal (such as stainless steel) are okay. It is important that you need a teapot with lid. Materials to avoid include cast iron or aluminum, which may interact with Chinese herbs then causing chemical reactions that can alter the therapeutic effect of the herbs, so you should avoid…

Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Complementary and Alternative Medicine–Philosophy & Theory Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is a group of diverse medical and health care systems, practices, and products that are not presently considered to be part of conventional medicine. The list of what is considered to be CAM changes continually, as those therapies that are proven to be safe and effective become adopted into…

The Chinese Theory of Life & Death

The Chinese Theory of Life & Death – by Bob Flaws People everywhere desire to live long, productive, happy, and healthy lives. In particular, the Chinese have traditionally made the search for longevity a conscious and integral part of their culture. However, before one can make sense out of the specific Chinese teachings on the preservation of health and long…

Exercise for prevention and self-help

EXERCISE FOR PREVENTION AND SELF-HELP DURING THE MENOPAUSAL YEARS – by Honora Lee Wolfe Menopausal women need not believe that they are doomed to years of hormonal nightmare. Premenopausal women need not anticipate with dread the menopausal years. All women, however, need to act with intelligence to bring their being into a state of health whereby menopausal discomforts may be…

Chinese Qi Gong

Chinese Qi Gong The history of Chinese Qigong commences beyond the era of written records, in the mists of prehistory. Earliest estimates suggest that self-enhancement and empowerment practices date into the time of Chinese shamans, previous to 500 BC. While Qigong has strong roots into mystical and philosophical ground, the practical healing and stress management applications are the most popular…

Treating headache with acupuncture

Treating Headache with Acupuncture

Unique Treatment Methods for Headaches  – by Ken Smith, L.Ac. While studying in China in 1997 I was able study from a number of teachers who each had their own particular styles of treatment.  One in particular, Dr. Gao, is known for his unique methods of treatment. Revered by his colleagues, 72 year old Dr. Gao is a fifth generation TCM…

Treating Infertility with Chinese Medicine

The Treatment of Infertility with Chinese Medicine – by Effi Kfir Due to various reasons, there are a growing number of women today that have difficulty getting pregnant. Although Western (modern) medicine is getting very sophisticated in its treatment of infertility, the majority of the treatments do not succeed. According to Chinese Medicine, there are two main reasons for this…

Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture

1. History of Acupuncture in China Acupuncture has a clearly recorded history of about 2,000 years, but some authorities claim that it has been practiced in China for some 4,000 years. The Chinese believe that the practice of acupuncture began during the Stone Age when stone knives or sharp edged tools, described by the character ‘Bian’, were used to puncture…

Meridian System

What is the Composition of the Meridian System? In Chinese Medicine, Meridian refers to the special channel or pathway in which the Qi (vital energy) circulate. The meridian system consists of three parts: the principal meridians, the eight extra meridians and the twelve divergent meridians. There are twelve principal meridians, e.g. the three yang meridians of the hand, the three…